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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Executive Education for Sustainability Leadership

Executive Education for Sustainability Leadership

This project is for official level pioneers and senior supportability experts who are prepared to incorporate maintainability into their center organizations as a driver of advancement and development. This three-day project will be driven by Dr. Jack Spengler, Director of the Center for Health and the Global Environment, and Leith Sharp, Director of Executive Education for Sustainability at the Center.


The coordination of supportability into an association's center business is the complex administration test of the 21st century. It requires the change of long-standing authoritative character, culture, and courses of action; however in the event that comprehended, it can unleash and outfit new levels of progress, development, and worker execution, and convey huge profits to associations.

This transformational work inside an association will be a basic driver of deftness, advancement, and change capacity, situating the association to "do well by doing great." To bolster pioneers who are prepared for this move, the Center for Health and the Global Environment at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, in a joint effort with the U.S. Green Building Council and the Sustainable Futures Leadership Academy, offers this new, three-day program in Executive Education for Sustainability Leadership.

Utilize an accepted maintainability development model to comprehend where their association is on its voyage towards manageability

Improve your ability to put forth the business defense for developing center business mix inside single specialties units, crosswise over various units, or association wide

Survey the institutional motivations that are working for and against center business reconciliation

Survey current levels of official authority engagement and distinguish pathways for extending engagement of officials and the whole administration framework inside their association

Build up a guide to insert a profound, fast versatile limit for stable change in the way of life of an association

Offered By:

Community for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

U.S. Green Building Council

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