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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

California institute of technology

California institute of technology

California institute of technology (Caltech) was established in 1891 A.D which was first started as a vocational school in Pasadena. The founder of this university is Amos G. Throop. An independent university established to provide students a quality education and a research center in science and engineering is still a leading university in United States of America.  Established with a motto “The truth shall make you free” meaning a lie will always make you feel trapped and guilty but a truth you say will always make your head high. An academic staff of 294 in the professional faculty and 1207 of other faculty staffs successfully runs under the president of the university Thomas F. Rosenbaum. The California institute of technology has 2231 students, with 978 students in undergraduate program and 1253 students in post graduate program. This university is located in 1200 east, Pasadena in California of United States of America. The Caltech covers 124 acres of its sub urban area. The color tag for Caltech is orange and white with a nickname of Beavers and a mascot of Beaver. Caltech is affiliated to AAU, URA, AITU, and APRU. The website for this institute is Caltech is also a member of athletics in NCAA III – SCIAC. This institute provides undergraduate programs in applied physics, biochemistry, bioengineering, control and dynamical system, environmental science, arts and so on. And the post graduate programs in science, technology, engineering and mathematical field, BS- MS and MD- PhD. California institute of technology offers admission to international students as well. The Caucasian students in undergraduate program with 31% and graduate with 43%, Asian American students in undergraduate with 40% and graduate with 11%, and the underrepresented of 13% in undergraduate and 6% in graduate and the international students of 11% in undergraduate program and 39% in graduate program according to the information provided in the Wikipedia. California institute of technology has its main focus in science and engineering program being the member of National Academy of Science and Engineering. Caltech has a 7 residence hall on the campus; Blacker, Dabney, Fleming, Lloyd, Page, Ricketts and Ruddock, all the names have a deep connection with science and technology. The residence hall has a unique rule that the students can have cats as a pet. There are only few universities that have such rule and Caltech is one of them. With a quality education for the students Caltech also encourage students for sports and social activities.

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