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Saturday, January 17, 2015

University of Houston

University of Houston

University of Houston (UH) was established in 1927 A.D. it is a state university located in Houston in Texas of United States of America. UH covers 667 acres of the land. University of Houston’s president is Renu Khator. Paula Myrick Short is the provost of the UH. University of Houston has its academic staff of 3,624 people and students of 40,747 including undergraduate students of 32,760 and post graduate students of 7,987. The color of the university is scarlet red and albino white with its nickname of Cougars. The mascot of University of Houston is Shasta. University of Houston is affiliated to many other universities such as university of Houston system, URA, ORAU and so on. UH is one of the largest Universities ranked in third place with 41,000 students. The university was first a junior college but it was changed to a university in 1933 of October. University of Houston consists of 12 academic colleges in the campus for law, optometry and pharmacy. University of Houston provides more than 300 programs to the graduate and undergraduate students. 112 number of bachelors, 131 of the masters and 54 researchers in law, optometry and pharmacy. More than 15% of the UH student live in the campus. The names of some campus where the students live are moody tower, the quadrangle, cougar village I & II, cougar place, Cullen oaks and so on.  University of Houston serves nation as well as international student all over the world. The motto of the university is to provide a quality education to the students so in future the students who have graduated from that University would make their own stand in life. The names of some colleges of University of Houston are; University of Houston law center, College of Technology, Graduate College of Social Work, College of Optometry, College of Liberal Arts and Social Science, Genald D. Hines College of Architecture, C. T Bauer college of Business , College of Education, Cullen college of Engineering , Conard N. Hilton college of Hotel & Restaurant Manageme

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